GFCI Resets
If you find that outlets do not have power and you have GFCI resets in your home, you will need to find the reset that is linked to that circuit.
Normally, the resets for the bathrooms are all connected and the reset will be located at the bathroom closest to the garage/electrical panel.
Depending on your electrician, GFCI resets are located in different areas of the the home. There may be one at the countertop and one at the island. If your island does not have power and you cannot find the GFCI reset, look in your dining room or power pantry for a reset.
Laundry Room
Depending on your electrician, GFCI resets are located in different areas of the home if you do not have power in your laundry room. If you do not see a reset in your laundry room, check the power pantry for your reset.
GFCI Breakers
When you do not have GFCI resets at the outlets, the resets will be part of the breaker. When you need to reset it, you will see that the breaker is partially off. You will need to turn the breaker fully off and then back on, in order to reset the breaker.
Dryer Outlet
We try and leave the breaker for the dryer outlet off so that the dryer is not damaged when plugging it in. If you find that your dryer does not have power, check your breaker first before reaching out to your warranty manager.