Landscaping Maintenance


Maintaining the grading of the berm is the Homeowner’s responsibility after

closing. It is highly recommended to use a weed eater to maintenance the berms. If

you do use a lawn mower and notice the blades cutting the grass less than 1/2 inch

or cutting dirt, stop immediately. This will change the grading and integrity of the

berm and will void your warranty.


Maintaining swale grading is the Homeowner’s responsibility after closing.

After closing, you do not want to plant or install anything in the swale. If you

have a swale that goes under a fence, it is recommended there be a clearance

of 3-4 inches between the bottom of the swale and the fencing. Proper swale

maintenance is keeping debris clear of the water’s intended path inside the swale.


Maintaining proper ground coverage on banks are the Homeowner’s

responsibility after closing. Pine straw coverage or landscaping vegetation with a

root system is vital to preventing erosion on banks. If you have pine straw, as soon

as you start to see bare areas, it is recommended to add fresh pine straw. Fresh

pine straw is recommended to be added to banks a minimum of 1 time a year.

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